A Course in Miracles: A Way to Inner Peace and Spiritual Waking up

An application in Miracles (ACIM) is a unique spiritual text that provides a unique perspective on life, relationships, and the nature of reality. Written in the 1970s by Sally Schucman, who claimed to have channeled the teachings from Jesus Christ, ACIM has since attracted a global following. Its central aim is to help individuals achieve inner peace through david hoffmeister forgiveness and love, reframing traditional Christian concepts in a non-denominational, metaphysical context.

The Core Teachings

At the heart of a Course in Miracles is the idea that the world we perceive is an illusion, a projection of the ego that keeps us separated from our true selves and from God. The Course encourages readers to challenge their perception of reality and embrace a spiritual understanding of life. According to ACIM, our true nature is love, and everything that's not love (such as fear, frustration, or guilt) is an illusion.

One of its most famous teachings is: “Nothing real can be vulnerable. Nothing not real exists. Thus lies the peace of God. ” This statement encapsulates the Course’s message that only love and truth are real, and all forms of fear are illusions created by the ego.

Forgiveness as a Central Practice

An application in Miracles highlights forgiveness as a key tool for personal transformation. However, forgiveness in ACIM is not about excusing others' actions but instead recognizing that no real harm has been done in the larger spiritual context. It teaches that waiting on hold to grievances is a way the ego keeps us stuck in a cycle of suffering, whereas forgiving others helps release the illusion of splitting up.

By practicing forgiveness, one can move beyond the ego's limited perspective and feel the peace and joy of God’s love. This shift in perception is what ACIM calls a “miracle. ” A miracle is not a unnatural event but a big change in how you see ourselves and the world. Through this shift, we start to see the world through the eyes of love, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

Mind Training and Daily Lessons

The Course is divided into three main parts: the written text, the Workbook for Students, and the Manual for Teachers. The written text lies out the philosophy behind the Course, explaining its metaphysical framework and core concepts. The Workbook contains 365 lessons, one for each day of the year, designed to help students gradually change their thought patterns. These lessons focus on shifting from fear-based thinking to love-based thinking through exercises in mindfulness and deep breathing.

For example, a typical lesson might ask a student to affirm, “I am determined to see things differently, ” inviting them to question their habitual judgments and open their minds to new possibilities.

Spiritual but not Spiritual

While An application in Miracles uses Christian terms, it is not arranged with any specific spiritual tradition. It is often termed “spiritual but not religious” because it focuses on general spiritual principles rather than dogma. ACIM attracts people from a wide range of spiritual backgrounds who are looking for a primary experience of inner peace and a deeper experience of the Divine.

The Course does not advocate any specific rituals or external practices. Instead, it highlights that the real work happens in the mind. Through consistent practice and careful consideration, students should preferably experience a spiritual waking up that transcends the limitations of the material world.


An application in Miracles offers a transformative life-style that highlights love, forgiveness, and inner peace. It provides a spiritual framework that helps individuals move beyond the fear and splitting up created by the ego and into a state of unity with God and all of creation. Though its teachings can be challenging, they offer the promise of unique personal and spiritual growth for those who agree to its path.


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